
Latest version: v0.11.0

Safety actively analyzes 703092 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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🚀 Features

- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix: :bug: Add readthedocs template back RomainBrault (71)
- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- fix: :wrench: simplify dependency tree RomainBrault (55)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)

📖 Documentation

- docs: :books: fix indentation in CONTRIBUTING.md RomainBrault (70)
- docs: :books: improve contributing guide RomainBrault (69)
- docs: :books: improve attestation verification documentation RomainBrault (68)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- docs: :books: improve help message for --debug-info RomainBrault (54)
- docs: :books: fix license badge link RomainBrault (52)
- docs: :books: improve installation steps RomainBrault (44)

🧰 Maintenance

- fix: :bug: Add readthedocs template back RomainBrault (71)
- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature 4 RomainBrault (67)
- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature x2 RomainBrault (66)
- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature 2 RomainBrault (65)
- ci: :technologist: better artifact signature RomainBrault (64)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (62)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- ci: :gear: Better cache management RomainBrault (60)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- refactor: :wrench: : improve typing RomainBrault (56)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)
- test: :ballot\_box\_with\_check: improve coverage RomainBrault (51)
- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- ci: :books: bug issue template RomainBrault (47)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)


🚀 Features

- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- fix: :wrench: simplify dependency tree RomainBrault (55)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)

📖 Documentation

- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- docs: :books: improve help message for --debug-info RomainBrault (54)
- docs: :books: fix license badge link RomainBrault (52)
- docs: :books: improve installation steps RomainBrault (44)

🧰 Maintenance

- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature 4 RomainBrault (67)
- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature x2 RomainBrault (66)
- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature 2 RomainBrault (65)
- ci: :technologist: better artifact signature RomainBrault (64)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (62)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- ci: :gear: Better cache management RomainBrault (60)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- refactor: :wrench: : improve typing RomainBrault (56)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)
- test: :ballot\_box\_with\_check: improve coverage RomainBrault (51)
- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- ci: :books: bug issue template RomainBrault (47)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)


🚀 Features

- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- fix: :wrench: simplify dependency tree RomainBrault (55)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)

📖 Documentation

- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- docs: :books: improve help message for --debug-info RomainBrault (54)
- docs: :books: fix license badge link RomainBrault (52)
- docs: :books: improve installation steps RomainBrault (44)

🧰 Maintenance

- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature x2 RomainBrault (66)
- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature 2 RomainBrault (65)
- ci: :technologist: better artifact signature RomainBrault (64)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (62)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- ci: :gear: Better cache management RomainBrault (60)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- refactor: :wrench: : improve typing RomainBrault (56)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)
- test: :ballot\_box\_with\_check: improve coverage RomainBrault (51)
- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- ci: :books: bug issue template RomainBrault (47)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)


🚀 Features

- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- fix: :wrench: simplify dependency tree RomainBrault (55)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)

📖 Documentation

- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- docs: :books: improve help message for --debug-info RomainBrault (54)
- docs: :books: fix license badge link RomainBrault (52)
- docs: :books: improve installation steps RomainBrault (44)

🧰 Maintenance

- ci: :woman\_technologist: Better artifact signature 2 RomainBrault (65)
- ci: :technologist: better artifact signature RomainBrault (64)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (62)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- ci: :gear: Better cache management RomainBrault (60)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- refactor: :wrench: : improve typing RomainBrault (56)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)
- test: :ballot\_box\_with\_check: improve coverage RomainBrault (51)
- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- ci: :books: bug issue template RomainBrault (47)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)


🚀 Features

- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- fix: :wrench: simplify dependency tree RomainBrault (55)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)

📖 Documentation

- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- docs: :books: improve help message for --debug-info RomainBrault (54)
- docs: :books: fix license badge link RomainBrault (52)
- docs: :books: improve installation steps RomainBrault (44)

🧰 Maintenance

- ci: :technologist: better artifact signature RomainBrault (64)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (62)
- ci: :technologist: rework issue\_template RomainBrault (61)
- ci: :gear: Better cache management RomainBrault (60)
- docs: :books: add new issue template RomainBrault (59)
- docs: :books: improve issue and pull request templates RomainBrault (58)
- fix: :anger: debug windows lock RomainBrault (57)
- refactor: :wrench: : improve typing RomainBrault (56)
- fix: :bug: pin distro dependency RomainBrault (53)
- test: :ballot\_box\_with\_check: improve coverage RomainBrault (51)
- feat: :sparkles: add python executable path RomainBrault (50)
- feat: :sparkles: add debug info flag RomainBrault (48)
- feat: :sparkles: add pyright action RomainBrault (49)
- ci: :books: bug issue template RomainBrault (47)
- feat: :sparkles: split copyright and license RomainBrault (46)
- feat: :sparkles: lazy loading of the init command RomainBrault (45)


🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix: :bug: pin uv dependency RomainBrault (42)

📖 Documentation

- docs: :books: bump development status RomainBrault (41)

🧰 Maintenance

- fix: :bug: pin uv dependency RomainBrault (42)
- docs: :books: bump development status RomainBrault (41)

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