Hi everyone! We’ve now released whylogs 1.1.45 🚀. whylogs is the open standard for data and ML logging created by WhyLabs. 👩🏽🔬 This version includes:
- dont add UDF columns to input dataframe 1270 [richard-rogers] - Fix: add support for pandas 2.x 1277 [murilommen] - Bump version to release version 1.1.44 1272 [jamie256]
Hi everyone! We’ve now released whylogs 1.1.44 🚀. whylogs is the open standard for data and ML logging created by WhyLabs. 👩🏽🔬 This version includes:
- Fix UDF deserialization in column profiles to support UDFs on pyspark 1271 [jamie256] - Add schema namespaces for UDFs 1268 [richard-rogers] - Add optional name parameter to log methods 1263 [jamie256] - Avoid empty ints series cast errors on timestamps 1265 [jamie256] - Support for UDF namespaces 1261 [richard-rogers]
Hi everyone! We’ve now released whylogs 1.1.43 🚀. whylogs is the open standard for data and ML logging created by WhyLabs. 👩🏽🔬 This version includes:
- Allow hiding condition count metric from whylabs profile 1247 [richard-rogers] - Alternate configurable MetricConfig defaults 1257 [richard-rogers] - Add an example image logging with udf metric in WhyLabs example 1200 [jamie256] - Bump version to release version 1.1.42 1253 [jamie256]