=========== - Implemented custom audio file support (154)
=========== - Implement removing toasts and toast groups (145) - See `'removing toasts' <https://windows-toasts.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced_usage.html#removing-toasts>`_ for an example. - Relax winrt package versioning requirements to support 2.x (153)
================== - Allow setting attribution text (140) - Added support for winrt v2.0.1 (138)
================== - Importing the module now throws an exception if the Windows version is unsupported (122) - Replaced toasts_winrt with winrt-Namespace packages (113) - Dropped Python 3.8 support (113)
=================== - Unquote image paths when the path contains characters that were escaped (111) - Convert image paths to absolute before converting to URI (112)
================== - Fixed AttributeError when calling WindowsToaster.clear_toasts() (96) - unschedule_toast() now raise a ToastNotFoundError exception if the toast could not be found instead of warning (97)