- Renamed `wizardhat.data` to `wizardhat.buffers`.
- Simplified class names: `BLEStreamer` → `Streamer`, `DummyStreamer` → `Dummy`.
- Standardized format of device specification files in `ble2lsl.devices`, and generalized implementation of device-related methods in `ble2lsl`. New BLE devices should be supportable by providing only a new device specification file, as described in `ble2lsl.devices.device`.
- Pushing to multiple LSL streams. The user may specify which of a device's data sources to subscribe to by passing a subset of the stream names in the `STREAMS` attribute of the respective device specification file; if no names are passed, all streams named in the `DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTIONS` attribute—or, if unavailable, all streams named in `STREAMS`—are subscribed.
- Partial support for OpenBCI Ganglion.
- Dummy streamer now supplied with chunks by iterator classes.
- Live plotting of `TimeSeries`-buffered data in a browser window using Bokeh (`Lines` class).
- Simplified class names: `LSLStreamer` → `Receiver`.
- Support for acquiring multiple LSL streams. `Receiver` is intended for receiving multiple streams from the same device, and prompts the user to select a source for automatic acquisition, if not given. LSL streams are referenced by their stream types (e.g. 'EEG', 'accelerometer'); data buffered from each stream is available as such (e.g. `my_receiver.buffers['EEG']`).
- Renamed class: `Data` → `Buffer`.