
Latest version: v0.1.2a0

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| | (diffs explained below) |
| 0.1.x | GTR phase-1a |
| | (TODO) |
| 1.x.x | GTR phase 1b [TDB] |

Known deficiencies
* (!) Driveability-rules not ordered as defined in the latest task-force meeting.
* (!) The driveability-rules when speeding down to a halt is broken, and human-drivers should improvise.
* (!) The ``n_min_drive`` is not calculated as defined in the latest task-force meeting,
along with other recent updates.
* (!) The ``n_max`` is calculated for ALL GEARS, resulting in "clipped" velocity-profiles,
leading to reduced rpm's for low-powered vehicles.
* Clutching-points and therefore engine-speed are very preliminary
(ie ``rpm`` when starting from stop might be < ``n_idle``).

.. _todos-list:

* Add cmd-line and UI front-ends.
* Use a model-explorer to autocomplete excel-cells.
* Automatically calculate masses from H & L vehicles, and regression-curves from categories.
* wltp_db: Improve test-metrics with group-by classes/phases.
* model: Enhance model-preprocessing by interleaving "octapus" merging stacked-models
between validation stages.
* model: finalize data-schema (renaming columns and adding ``name`` fields in major blocks).
* model/core: Accept units on all quantities.
* core: Move calculations as class-methods to provide for overriding certain parts of the algorithm.
* core: Support to provide and override arbitrary model-data, and ask for arbitrary output-ones
by topologically sorting the graphs of the calculation-dependencies.
* build: Separate wltpdb tests as a separate, optional, plugin of this project (~650Mb size).

.. todolist::



- DELETE Wltp-DB files to light-weight wheels.
- Just unpin `xlwings=0.2.3`.


Same algo as `alpha.3` but with corrected engine-speed for idle.
It is used for reports and simulation run by JRC to build the CO\ :sub:`2`\MPAS model,
but still not driveable due to downshifting to 1st-gear when stopping to standstill.

* core, model: Possible to define different `n_min_drive` & `f_safety_margins` per gear.
* core: Add function to identify gear-ratios from experimental engine-runs.
* excel, tests: Add ExcelRunner TCs.
* Updated ``jonschema`` dep 2.5.0.


This is practically the 1st public releases, reworked in many parts, much better documented,
continuously tested and build using TravisCI, with on-the-fly generated diagrams as metrics,
BUT the arithmetic results produced are still identical to v0.0.7, so that the test-cases and
metrics still describe that version, for future comparison.

* Use CONDA for running on TravisCI.
* Improve ExcelRunner.
* docs and metrics improvements.
* ui: Added Excel frontend.
* ui: Added desktop-UI proof-of-concept (:class:`wltp.tkui`).
* metrics: Add diagrams auto-generated from test-metrics into generated site (at "Getting Involved" section).

Noteworthy or *incompatilble* changes
* Code:
* package ``wltc`` --> ``wltp``
* class ``Experiment`` --> ``Processor``
* Model changes:
* ``/vehicle/mass`` --> (``test_mass`` and ``unladen_mass``)
* ``/cycle_run``: If present, (some of) its columns override the calculation.
* Added Excel front-end.
* Added *Metrics* section in documents whith on-the-fly generated diagrams comparing and tracking
the behavior of the algorithm.
* Now the Eclipse's PyDev-project files are included only as templates; copy them and
remove the `eclipse` prefix before importing project into Eclipse/Liclipse.


* Backported also to Python-2.7.
* model, core: Discriminate between :term:`Test mass` from :term:`Unladen mass`
(optionally auto-calced by ``driver_mass`` = 75(kg)).
* model, core: Calculate default resistance-coefficients from a regression-curve (the one found in Heinz-db).
* model, core: Possible to overide WLTP-Class, Target-V & Slope, Gears if present in the ``cycle_run`` table.
* model: Add NEDC cycle data, for facilitating comparisons.
* tests: Include sample-vehicles along with the distribution.
* tests: Speed-up tests by caching files to read and compare.
* docs: Considerable improvements, validate code in comments and docs with *doctest*.
* docs: Provide a http-link to the list of IPython front-ends in the project's wiki.
* build: Use TravisCI as integration server, Coveralls.io as test-coverage service-providers.
* build: Stopped .EXE distribution; need a proper python environment.

v0.0.8-alpha(04-Aug-2014), v0.0.8.alpha.2(1-Dec-2014)
* Documentation fixes.


Although it has already been used in various exercises internally in JRC,
it never graduated out of *Alpha* state.

* Rename project to 'wltp'.
* Switch license from AGPL --> EUPL (the same license assumed *retrospectively* for older version)
* Add wltp_db files.
* Unify instances & schemas in ``model.py``.
* Possible to Build as standalone `.exe` using `cx_freeze`.
* Preparations for PyPI/github distribution.
* Rename project to "wltp".
* Prepare Sphinx documentation for http://readthedocs.org.
* Update setup.py
* Update project-coordinates (authors, etc)

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