
Latest version: v3.5.3

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- You can now export the puzzle solution along with the puzzle using the `save()` method. Just specify `solution=True` after the path.
- If you are exporting a PDF then a second page will be added with the puzzle words highlighted in red (just like the `show(solution=True)` method)
- If you are exporting to CSV the puzzle solution will be included at the bottom of the csv below the answer key.


- `save()` method now accepts the `solution` argument.
- -c, --cheat cli option now works with the -o, --output option to include the puzzle solution within the output file (csv or pdf)
- To clean things up a bit, `export_pdf_file()` and `export_csv_file()` now accept a WordSearch object as the main argument.



- -c, --cheat options for cli to show puzzle solution
- --version flag added to cli
- __eq__ magic method for checking if puzzles are the same (mostly for testing __repr__)


- Export csv no uses the builtin csv module
- Removed colorama, now using ascii escape codes for solution highlighting
- Updated requirements.txt and setup.cfg
- Updated __repr__ to include `level` and `size`
- Rewrote the word fitting function to use a retry wrapper
- Hat tip to Bob Belderbos, Twitter bbelderbos (https://twitter.com/bbelderbos/status/1532347393009668098?s=20&t=1IOt6a8RGEohzkNKpTBrxg)
- Fixed max_puzzle_size spec in README. Was incorrectly listed as 30 when it is actually 25. Hat tip to [dt215git](https://github.com/dt215git) for the [heads-up](https://github.com/joshbduncan/word-search-generator/issues/12)



- New generator code to make sure no duplicated exists in the puzzle
- Generator checks during word insertion and random character fill-in stages
- JSON output property for robguttman solver https://github.com/robguttman/word-search-solver
- Testing for new generator and export functions


- Any input words that are palindromes are removed
- add_words() method now checks old and new words together to make sure no single word is a subset of another word



- Removed extra newline from output.



- `WordSearch.show()` method
- Allows you to show the puzzle (just like print(WordSearch)=> __str__).
- Enables a better "solution" view using colorama "dim" with `WordSearch.show(solution=True)`.
- Required install of [colorama](https://pypi.org/project/colorama/).


- Cleaned up some functions to work better with the new `.show()` method.


- `WordSearch.show_solution()` method was replaced by the `WordSearch.show(solution=True)`.



- New/cleaned-up testing.
- More type hints.


- Tests were cleaned up and changed a bunch to pass on windows.
- Updated minimum version and testing version to Python 3.10.
- WordSearch.save() method now determines CSV or PDF export type from file name. Default to PDF is no extension if provided.
- Cleaned up variable names to match across entire project.
- Cleaned up type hints.
- Remove custom FilePath type and replace with `Union[str, Path]`.


- Format argument on WordSearch.save() method. The file type is now determined by the provided save path. If no extension is provided it defaults to pdf.
- Makes the -e, --export cli option no longer needed.

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