:construction_worker: Continuous Integration
* Change :beetle: to :bug: as the beetle doesn't seem to work (16) edsq
* Don't run tests as part of release workflow (13) edsq
* Remove now-redundant release-drafter workflow (11) edsq
* Remove now-redundant test-pypi workflow (10) edsq
* Use lightly modified release workflow from hypermodern python (9) edsq
* Add mccabe complexity linting (6) edsq
:books: Documentation
* Update docstrings (14) edsq
:bug: Fixes
* Change :beetle: to :bug: as the beetle doesn't seem to work (16) edsq
* Don't run tests as part of release workflow (13) edsq
:hammer: Refactoring
* Use `isort` instead of `flake8-import-order` (12) edsq
* Refactor code to be more sensible and less complex (8) edsq
:fire: Removals and Deprecations
* Use `isort` instead of `flake8-import-order` (12) edsq
* Remove now-redundant release-drafter workflow (11) edsq
* Remove now-redundant test-pypi workflow (10) edsq
:rotating_light: Testing
* Add tests covering new code introduced by refactoring (7) edsq