
Latest version: v0.0.1b2

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Create a Simple **network of words** related to each other using **Twitter Streaming API**.

![Made with python-3.5](http://forthebadge.com/images/badges/made-with-python.svg)

Major parts of this project.

* `Streamer` : ~/twitter_streaming.py
* `TF-IDF` Gene : ~/wordnet/tf_idf_generator.py
* `NN` words Gene :~/ wordnet/nn_words.py
* `NETWORK` Gene : ~/wordnet/word_net.py

Using Streamer Functionality

1. `Unzip the Source` and run on bash '`$pip install -r requirements.txt`' root directory and you will be ready to go..

1. Go to root-dir(~), Create a config.py file with details mentioned below:
Variables that contains the user credentials to access Twitter Streaming API
this link will help you(http://socialmedia-class.org/twittertutorial.html)
access_token = "xxx-xx-xxxx"
access_token_secret = "xxxxx"
consumer_key = "xxxxxx"
consumer_secret = "xxxxxxxx"

1. run `Streamer` with an array of filter words that you want to fetch tweets on. eg. `$python twitter_streaming.py hello hi hallo namaste > data_file.txt` this will save a line by line words from tweets filtered according to words used as args in `data_file.txt`.

Using WordNet Module

1. `Unzip the Source` and install wordnet module using this script,

$python setup.py install

1. To create a `TF-IDF` structure file for every doc, use:

from wordnet import find_tf_idf

df, tf_idf = find_tf_idf(
file_names=['file/path1','file/path2',..], paths of files to be processed.(create using twitter_streamer.py)
prev_file_path='prev/tf/idf/file/path.tfidfpkl', prev TF_IDF file to modify over, format standard is .tfidfpkl. default = None
dump_path='path/to/dump/file.tfidfpkl' dump_path if tf-idf needs to be dumped, format standard is .tfidfpkl. default = None

if no file is provided prev_file_path parameter, new TF-IDF file will be generated ,and else
TF-IDF values will be combined with previous file, and dumped at dump_path if mentioned,
else will only return the new tf-idf list of dictionaries, and df dictionary.

1. To use `NN` Word Gene of this module, simply use wordnet.find_knn:

from wordnet import find_knn

words = find_knn(
tf_idf=tf_idf, this tf_idf is returned by find_tf_idf() above.
input_word='german', a word for which k nearest neighbours are required.
k=10, k = number of neighbours required, default=10
rand_on=True rand_on = either to randomly skip few words or show initial k words default=True

This function will return a list of words closely related to provided input_word refering to
tf_idf var provided to it. either use find_tf_idf() to gather this var or pickle.load() a dump
file dumped by the same function at your choosen directory. the file contains 2 lists in format
(idf, tf_idf).

1. To create a Word `Network`, use :

from wordnet import generate_net

word_net = generate_net(
df=df, this df is returned by find_tf_idf() above.
tf_idf=tf_idf, this tf_idf is returned by find_tf_idf() above.
dump_path='path/to/dump.wrnt' dump_path = path to dump the generated files, format standard is .wrnt. default=None

this function returns a list of Word entities.

1. To retrieve a Word `Network`, use :

from wordnet import retrieve_net

word_net = retrieve_net(
'path/to/network.wrnt' path to network file, format standard is .wrnt.
this function returns a list of Word entities.

Test Run

To run a formal test, simply run this script. `python test.py`, this module will return **0** if everythinig worked as expected.

test.py uses sample data provided [here](https://github.com/anuragkumarak95/wordnet/tree/master/test) and executes unittest on `find_tf_idf()`, `find_knn()` & `generate_net()`.

![BUILT WITH LOVE](http://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-with-love.svg)

by [Anurag](https://github.com/anuragkumarak95)


`python3` is being used as per this release.

requirements ( use pip3 )
1. tweepy==3.5.0
2. colorama==0.3.9
3. urllib3==1.22

Three major parts are in this release.
1. `Streamer` : twitter_streaming.py
2. `TF-IDF` Gene : tf_idf_generator.py
3. `NN` words Gene : nn_words.py

Way to go :
1. run `Streamer` with an array of filter words that you want to fetch tweets on.
eg. `$python3 twitter_streaming.py hello hi hallo namaste > data_file.txt`
this will save a line by line words from tweets filtered according to words used as args in `data_file.txt`.

2. run `TF-IDF GENE` for generating a TF-IDF file for further process.
eg. `$python3 tf_idf_generator.py -d data_file.txt`
this will generate a data_file.txt.tfidfpkl file at the same path as data_file.txt
note current release is generating a very large file from this process. I am woring on it. :+1:

3. run `NN Words Gene` for finally generating words that are relative to a specified word from given file.
eg. `$python3 nn_words.py -f data_file.txt.tfidfpkl -w hello`
this will output a list of words nearly related to the `hello` word provided in the command by looking at the given `data_file.txt.tfidfpkl` file.

> *Step 1 & 2* are needed to be done once only, and repeat *Step 3* as you feel free.

I have provided `data_bank/data_v1.tfidfpkl` file for testing and enjoying `NN Words GENE` right away for people who do not want to waste time of loading new data for having fun. :1st_place_medal:

Have fun...

Developed by -
[Anurag Kumar](https://github.com/anuragkumarak95)



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