- Extensive cleanup on examples/holdingsmap/holdingsmap.py - Addition of RegistryRequest class; OCLCSymbolRequest is now a subclass of this instead of WorldCatRequest - Clean up of docstrings - Fixes to worldcat.request.search and worldcat.response.search for variant representations of formats of the recordSchema parameter
- Fixing issues with opcode mapping in worldcat.util.safeeval for Python < 2.6
- Cleaning up code for PEP 8 compliance.
- Py2.6-specific bug fixes in worldcat.util.safeeval and worldcat.response.__init__ - modified holdingsmap example to use registry requests, multiprocessing (for the json tidbit), and for compatibility with web.py 0.3 - also suppressing variant works stuff in holdings map - useless...?
- added some basic registry request code in worldcat.request.registry and worldcat.response.registry; needs testing. Only available so far is a lookup by OCLC symbol. - updated copyright statements
- minor bug fix to worldcat.response.search - added new "holdingsmap" prototype to examples