- Verify EDriveST example code
- Add the argument of `port` in relay relatie API
- Example code: get_serial_number.py, AHRS_getAcceleration.py, AHRS_getAngularVelocity.py
AHRS_getEstimation.py, AHRS_getOrientation.py
- Error code: -8105 (relay port)
- image: product-EthanIA.jpg
- API: AHRS_getAcceleration, AHRS_getAngularVelocity
- Sync API description with C
- Product summary
- Bug of using wrong `Sys_getDriverInfo` API in async example code
- Modify the API description of Motion_cfgLimit `en_forward` and `en_reverse`
- Modify the API description of Motion_getProcessState
- README.md: AHRS, AI24bit, DPOT, Motion, Drive
- Error code: The error code `-9301` description
- Example code: DI pin index in DIO_loopback_pins
- Example code: get_USB_info, AHRS_read
- API: AHRS_setSamplingPeriod, Motion_getParameters, Motion_loadParameters, Motion_saveParameters