This release of [**wq.db**]( brings a couple of minor improvements to v0.7:
- [**chart module**]( Compatibility with v0.3.x of [Django REST Pandas](, which was updated for compatibility with Django REST Framework 3. (wq.db itself will be updated to DRF3 in v0.8.0). Note that the former `ChartSerializer` is now split into two: a `ChartModelSerializer` for the model fields and a `ChartPandasSerializer` for the Pandas serialization.
- [**identify pattern**]( Consistent ordering of identifiers, e.g. for rendering in detail views. The default is to order with primary identifiers first, then by authority, then by name. The new `WQ_IDENTIFIER_ORDER` setting can be used to override the default ordering.
- [**mark pattern**]( Don't crash when there are no markdown entries attached to a model.
- Cleaned up and organized tests