
Latest version: v1.5.1

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2019-02-24: fix pickle detection when use_signals = False, drop Python2.6 support since wrapt dropped it.


2018-09-13: use multiprocessing.pipe instead of queue
If we are not able to use signals, we need to spawn a new process.
This was done in the past by pickling the target function and put it on a queue -
now this is done with a half-duplex pipe.

- it is faster
- it probably can work on Amazon AWS, since there You must not use queues


2017-12-02: automatic detection if we are in the main thread. Signals can only be used in the main thread. If the decorator is running in a subthread, we automatically disable signals.


2017-11-30: using dill and multiprocess to enhance windows functionality


2017-11-10: Initial public release

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