**Bugs Fixed**
* Post import hook discovery was not working correctly where multiple
target modules were registered in the same entry point list. Only the
callback for the last would be called regardless of the target module.
* If a ``WeakFunctionProxy`` wrapper was used around a method of a class
which was decorated using a wrapt decorator, the decorator wasn't being
invoked when the method was called via the weakref proxy.
**Features Changed**
* The ``register_post_import_hook()`` function, modelled after the
function of the same name in PEP-369 has been extended to allow a string
name to be supplied for the import hook. This needs to be of the form
``module::function`` and will result in an import hook proxy being used
which will only load and call the function of the specified moduled when
the import hook is required. This avoids needing to load the code needed
to operate on the target module unless required.