
Latest version: v0.9.0

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- Update documentation.
- Bump dependencies.
- Improved validation of TIFF write arguments.
- Add ability to speciy store when writing Zarr e.g. zarr.SQliteStore.
- Update CLI:
- New `-s` argment for `convert` to specify store for zarr.
- Bug fixes:
- Fix MPP writing for .dcm files.
- Fix parsing of NGFF metadata (zattrs JSON), including getting MPP.


- Bug fixes:
- Fix issue where `DICOMWSIReader` required user input at init.
- Fix level offset when printing the level number during `TIFFWriter` pyramid building.
- Refactor slow `DICOMWSIReader` init warning and only warn from the main process.


- Add DICOM writer.
- Avoid decoding entire TIFF before conversion starts.
- TIFFReader can now expose a dask array view (using tiffile Zarr view
- Add overwrite option to transcode CLI mode.
- Refactor to use persistent worker subprocesses. This avoids recreating
the reader object for each region read. For some reader such as
DICOMWSIReader this significantly improves performance.
- General refactoring and code cleanup.
- Bug fixes:
- Fix writing MPP for SVSWriter.
- Remove OpenSlide thumbnail generation method. This would cause the
process to run out of memory for some files and the base
implementation works just as well without this memory issue.


- Normalise TIFF array axes (to YXC order) when reading using tiffile.
- Bug fixes:
- Fix reading/writing JP2 resoluion metadata (vres/hres are in m not
- Join child processes when finishing writing / exiting.
- Copy the reader tile size for transcode mode.
- Return None for MPP when JP2 has no resolution box.
- Set resolution units to cm when writing TIFFs.
- Use the MPP from the reader when writing JP2.
- Add a zarr intermediate for JP2 writing (allows different read and
write tile sizes).


- Select Writer class based on file extension from CLI.
- Bug fixes:
- Fix writing MPP to NGFF v0.4.
- Change coordinate transformation ordering.
- Fix reading TIFF resolution tag. Previously only the numerator of
the resolution fraction was being read.
- Other minor bug fixes.


- Add ability to write resolution metadata to JP2. Thanks to
quintusdias for helping get this implemented in glymur.
- Remove QOI codec code as this is not included in imagecodes. Thanks to
Christoph Gohlke for adding this.
- Add a "How do I?" documentation page.

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