- Introduce a send method on the connection which accepts the new
events. This requires the following usage changes, ::
connection.accept(subprotocol=subprotocol) -> connection.send(AcceptConnection(subprotocol=subprotocol))
connection.send_data(data) -> connection.send(Message(payload=payload))
connection.close(code) -> connection.send(CloseConnection(code=code))
connection.ping() -> connection.send(Ping())
connection.pong() -> connection.send(Pong())
- The Event structure is altered to allow for events to be sent and
received, this requires the following name changes in existing code, ::
ConnectionRequested -> Request
ConnectionEstablished -> AcceptConnection
ConnectionClosed -> CloseConnection
DataReceived -> Message
TextReceived -> TextMessage
BytesReceived -> BytesMessage
PingReceived -> Ping
PongReceived -> Pong
- Introduce RejectConnection and RejectData events to be used by a
server connection to reject rather than accept a connection or by a
client connection to emit the rejection response. The RejectData
event represents the rejection response body, if present.
- Add an extra_headers field to the AcceptConnection event in order to
customise the acceptance response in server mode or to emit this
information in client mode.
- Switch from Fail events being returned to raising ``RemoteProtocolError``.
- Switch from ValueError`s to LocalProtocolError`s being raised when
an action is taken that is incompatible with the connection state or
websocket standard.
- Enforce version checking in SERVER mode, only 13 is supported.
- Add an event_hint to RemoteProtocolErrors to hint at how to respond
to issues.
- Switch from a ``bytes_to_send`` method to the ``send`` method
returning the bytes to send directly. Responses to Ping and Close
messages must now be sent (via ``send``), with the ``Ping`` and
``CloseConnection`` events gaining a ``response`` method. This
allows ::
if isinstance(event, Ping):
bytes_to_send = connection.send(event.response())
- Separate the handshake from the active connection handling. This
allows the handshake and connection to be seperately used. By
default though WSConnection does both.
- ``receive_bytes`` is renamed to ``receive_data`` and
``WSConnection`` should be imported from ``wsproto`` rather than