
Latest version: v1.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 702641 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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What’s Changed

* Add Windows WSL Instructions (15) krystiancharubin
* Add support for Wyze Doorbell cameras (12) kroo
* Improve session state management on errors kroo

:arrow_up: Dependencies updates

* :arrow_up: Bump pydantic from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 (19) dependabot
* :arrow_up: Bump actions/cache from 2.1.3 to 2.1.5 (16) dependabot
* :arrow_up: Bump actions/first-interaction from 1 to 1.1.0 (17) dependabot
* :arrow_up: Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 2.3.4 (18) dependabot

:busts_in_silhouette: List of contributors

kroo and krystiancharubin


What’s Changed

* Update Linux shared library compile instructions (11) krystiancharubin
* Better display of tutk errors (mapping from code to name)
* Handle lost frame as a warning instead of error
* implement state machine for failure states (AUTHENTICATION FAILED, etc)
* Use connect_uid_parallel in order to speed up iotc connection
* Fix documentation typo (frame_num -> frame_no)

:busts_in_silhouette: List of contributors

kroo and krystiancharubin


What’s Changed

* Added missing xxtea dependency
* Removed unnecessary dependencies
* Fixed CI setup


First release!



Has known vulnerabilities

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