
Latest version: v0.3.3.0

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Bug Fixes
Fixes dimension mismatch issue in 50.


**New features:**
- Suppress status updates through `silent=True` feature, closes 38

**Bug fixes:**
- Fixes incorrect for loop call, closes 37
- Fixes warnings and errors from `gpd.overlay()`, closes 24
- Addresses a few FutureWarnings, etc.
- Fixes ESMF installation issue.

Bug fixes
- `.to_dataset()` functions again
- `.read_wm()` is now loaded by default

What's Changed
* fix export to dataset issue, insert export tests by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/35
* add read_wm() to init by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/36

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/compare/v0.3.0.1...v0.3.0.2

Fixes dependency error in `setup.py` that was preventing publication of v0.3* on conda-forge.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.0.1


Performance upgrades
Various performance upgrades, particularly for working with high resolution grids.

In `create_raster_polygons`:
- replacing the for-loop assigning pixels to polygons with a lambda apply
- creating flexible buffer for subsetting to bounding box, replacing the hardcoded 0.1 degrees used previously with twice the max grid spacing

In `aggregate`:
- an optional replacement of the aggregating calculation with a dot-product implementation (`impl='dot_product'` in `pixel_overlaps()` and `aggregate()`), which may improve performance in certain situations

Expanded functionality
Weightmaps can now be saved using `wm.to_file()` and loaded using `xagg.core.read_wm()`, and no longer have to be regenerated with each code run.

Bug fixes
Various bug fixes

What's Changed
* speed improvement for high res grids in create_raster_polygons by kerriegeil in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/29
* dot product implementation by jsadler2 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/4
* Speedup for large grids - mod gdf_pixels in create_raster_polgons by kerriegeil in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/30
* implement making dot product optional, restoring default agg behavior by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/32
* Implement a way to save weightmaps (output from `pixel_overlaps`) by ks905383 in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/33

New Contributors
* kerriegeil made their first contribution in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/29
* jsadler2 made their first contribution in https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/pull/4

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ks905383/xagg/compare/v0.2.6...v0.3.0


Bug fixes:
- 11 `pixel_overlaps` no longer changes the `gdf_in` outside of the function

Functionality tweaks
- added `agg.to_geodataframe()`, similar to `agg.to_dataframe()`, but keeping the geometries from the original shapefile
- adapted xarray's `ds.to_dataframe()` in `agg.to_dataframe()`, which has better functionality
- .csvs now export long instead of wide, using the output from `ds.to_dataframe()` above

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