What's Changed * pyxpcs can calculate cross-correlation TTCs by reiserm in https://github.com/reiserm/Xana/pull/26 * New multitau algorithm implemented by reiserm in https://github.com/reiserm/Xana/pull/27 * Minor changes during p10 beamtime. by reiserm in https://github.com/reiserm/Xana/pull/28 * Merge latest changes after minor updates. by reiserm in https://github.com/reiserm/Xana/pull/30 * added Xfmt tests to Tests.ipynb by reiserm in https://github.com/reiserm/Xana/pull/29
* `Xana._series` is now a dictionaries and no longer a list * consecutive `Xana.connect` calls can be used to load the metadata of multiple datasets. * the identifier is the series ID/number. If two series with the different folder names but the same ID are loaded into the metadata table, the second one will overwrite the first one. * `connect` does not need any additional input arguments except for the data directory
PyXPCS was developed for 2D input data from pixelated detectors. We added an option to handle also 1D data, for instance, from a diode. Please note that:
a list of ROIs does not have to be provided in this case, the normalization has to be chosen carefully as normalization schemes based on the standard deviation do not work in the 1D case.