What's Changed
* New class: `RFSweep` to perform off-momentum loss maps; was in `manager.py` before ([`examples/rf_sweep.py`](https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/blob/d7b3fe2729b7f1960bfb95ad9fa865950f366f01/examples/rf_sweep.py) and [`examples/lhc_run3_offmomentum_lossmap.py`](https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/blob/d7b3fe2729b7f1960bfb95ad9fa865950f366f01/examples/lhc_run3_offmomentum_lossmap.py))
* Added a function in `colldb.py` (`write_to_yaml`) to by bjlindst in https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/pull/40
* New Everest element: `EverestBlock` by freddieknets in https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/pull/46 ([`examples/everest_block.py`](https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/blob/d7b3fe2729b7f1960bfb95ad9fa865950f366f01/examples/everest_block.py) and [`examples/transfer_line_with_air.py`](https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/blob/d7b3fe2729b7f1960bfb95ad9fa865950f366f01/examples/transfer_line_with_air.py))
* API of `EverestCrystal` changed slightly: the field `bend` is replaced by `bending_radius`. Furthermore, the field `bending_angle` can be used instead.
* Possibility to add weights to particles to rescale the lossmap afterwards
Develop Updates
* [`install_protection_hook.sh`](https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/blob/d7b3fe2729b7f1960bfb95ad9fa865950f366f01/install_protection_hook.sh): run this bash script to install hooks to your local xcoll repository that will halt commits that contain changes in protected files (like `version.sh`)
* `InvalidCollimator` has been renamed into `InvalidXcoll`
* The lost particle state codes have been reshuffled to make room for `XC_LOST_ON_EVEREST_BLOCK`
* Internal workings of the Everest code have been updated (using a struct `EverestData`): this is the first step towards a full rewrite.
* Multiple coulomb scattering inside Everest has been updated: correcting for edge effects is optional (because not needed for `EverestBlock`)
* First steps towards impact registration have been made: table is linked correctly, but not yet implemented inside Everest.
* Bugfix in the `jaw` field
* Update `manager.py` by phermes in https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/pull/34
New Contributors
* phermes made their first contribution in https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/pull/34
* bjlindst made their first contribution in https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/pull/40
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/xsuite/xcoll/compare/v0.2.7...v0.3.0