The kickoff for the project, the first release to PyPi.
- by [fschuch](
- `class Parameters` built on top of [traitlets](, for type checking, dynamically calculated default values, and "on change" callbacks, by [fschuch](
- [ipywidgets]( for all relevant parameters and two-ways linking with [traitlets]( variables, by [fschuch](
- Accessors for [xarray]('s `Dataset` and `DataArray`, making possible high-order derivatives (with appropriated boundary conditions), I/O, parallel execution with pencil decomposition (powered by [dask]( and integration with `scipy.integrate.simps` and `scipy.integrate.cumtrapz`. By [fschuch](
- Ported genepsi.f90 to (powered by [Numba](, generating all the files necessary for our customized Immersed Boundary Method, by [fschuch](
- Support to *Sandbox Flow Configuration* (see [fschuch/Xcompact3d](, by [fschuch](
- Ahmed body as benchmark geometry, mirror and plotting tools, by [momba98](