What's Changed
* bump deltalake by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/18
* Separate cloud and unit tests by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/17
* Move delta_log to module by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/19
* Make delta_log storage aware by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/20
* Improve transaction log commits by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/21
* Add exists_ok parm to storge mkdir by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/22
* Create commit context for DeltaTable by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/23
* Small transaction log refactors by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/25
* transaction log load_as_version by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/26
* support RESTORE reads by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/27
* Some log fixes by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/28
* support RESTORE writes by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/29
* transaction log refactors by xbrianh in https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/pull/30
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/xbrianh/xdlake/compare/v0.0.3...0.0.4