Added * Support for top level awaits in async code examples.
Removed * Dropped 3.6 and 3.7 support. Now supporting 3.6+ Use xdoctest<=1.1.6 for 3.6 or 3.7 support.
Fixed * Fixed passing of `flags` as keyword argument to `re.sub` for python 3.13 compliance.
Changed * Minor modification to `xdoctest --version-info` and exposed it in CLI help.
Fixed * `modname_to_modpath` fixed in cases where editable installs use type annotations in their MAPPING definition.
Fixed * Working around a `modname_to_modpath` issue.
Fixed * `modname_to_modpath` now handles cases where editable packages have modules where the name is different than the package. * Update `xdoctest.plugin` to support pytest 8.0 * Fixed deprecated usage of `ast.Num`