Patched potential errors when transformming from a string to a float. Some languages use a comma rather than a period in floating point numbers.
* Added class `RSRCRATE` which represents a Resource Rate. This can be accessed from the `resource_rate` (dict) attribute of the `Xer` object. [Issue 6](
* Refactored inheritance for `Node` objects. * The `description` attribute of the `ACTVCODE` and `PCATVAL` classes has been changed to `name`.
* Fixed bug in the equal override function for the `RSRC` object; missing a return.
* Updated type hints, which now requires a minimum of Python 3.11. * `RSRC` class now inherits from `Node`. * Updating / filling in docstrings.
* Updated dependencies to new versions. * `ACCOUNT` class equal overide now checks if other object is None type. * The `max_multiple_longest_path` attribute of the `SCHEDOPTIONS` class can be type int or None.