- New `merge_attentions` function
- fMHA: New gappy attention biases.
- fMHA: Updated Flash-Attention to v2.5.6: this has a performance improvement for multiquery.
- fMHA: triton_splitk changed and expanded. Now amalgamates using LSE. Can autotune, supports causal with a small number of queries - not just 1. Experimental support for paged attention.
- `rope_padded`: Fixed CUDA error with many queries (more than 65k)
- `rmsnorm`: Fixed CUDA error with large inputs (enables 512k+ sequence length on Llama2 70B)
- fMHA: Removed triton operator (`fmha.triton.*`, `xformers.ops.MemoryEfficientAttentionTritonFwdFlashBwOp`, `xformers.ops.TritonFlashAttentionOp`), as it has correctness issues under some conditions, and is slower than other implementations.