What's Changed
* add setup script by perillaroc in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/2
* Fix dt by miniufo in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/6
* add test10.ctl by jiawemily in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/4
* add support of PDEF in ctl by miniufo in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/7
* finish proj_plot by miniufo in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/15
* pdef and template quick fix and test file by singledoggy in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/31
New Contributors
* perillaroc made their first contribution in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/2
* miniufo made their first contribution in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/6
* jiawemily made their first contribution in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/4
* singledoggy made their first contribution in https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/pull/31
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/miniufo/xgrads/commits/v0.2.0