Contributors to this version: Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Thomas-Charles Fortier Filion (:user:`TC-FF`), Sébastien Langlois (:user:`sebastienlanglois`)
* Support for Python3.8 and lower has been dropped. (:pull:`11`).
* `xHydro` now hosts its documentation on `Read the Docs <https://xhydro.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_. (:issue:`22`, :pull:`26`).
* Local frequency analysis functions have been added under a new module `xhydro.frequency_analysis`. (:pull:`20`, :pull:`27`).
New features and enhancements
* GitHub Workflows for automated testing using `tox` have been added. (:pull:`11`).
* Support for various `xscen` functions has been added to compute indicators and various climate change metrics. (:pull:`21`).
* New function `xh.indicators.compute_volume` to convert streamflow data to volumes. (:pull:`20`, :pull:`27`).
* New function `xh.indicators.get_yearly_op` to compute block operation (e.g. block maxima, minima, etc.). (:pull:`20`, :pull:`27`).
Breaking changes
* `xHydro` repository has renamed its primary development branch from `master` to `main`. (:pull:`13`).
* `xHydro` now requires a conda environment to be installed. (:pull:`21`).
Bug fixes
* N/A
Internal changes
* Added a Pull Request template. (:pull:`14`).
* Various updates to the autogenerated boilerplate (Ouranosinc/cookiecutter-pypackage) via `cruft`. (:pull:`11`, :pull:`12`, :pull:`13`):
* General updates to pre-commit hooks, development dependencies, documentation.
* Added configurations for Pull Request and Issues templates, Zenodo.
* Documentation now makes use of sphinx directives for usernames, issues, and pull request hyperlinks (via sphinx.ext.extlinks). (:issue:`15`).
* GitHub Workflows have been added for automated testing, and publishing.
* Some sphinx extensions have been added/enabled (sphinx-codeautolink, sphinx-copybutton).
* Automated testing with tox now updated to use v4.0+ conventions.
* Removed all references to travis.ci.
* Deployments to TestPyPI and PyPI are now run using GitHub Workflow Environments as a safeguarding mechanism. (:pull:`28`).
* Various cleanups of the environment files. (:issue:`23`, :pull:`30`).
* `xhydro` now uses the trusted publishing mechanism for PyPI and TestPyPI deployment. (:pull:`32`).
* Added tests. (:pull:`27`).