
Latest version: v0.4.1

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What's Changed
* Update README.md by kaipuolamaki in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/48
* Add the demo paper to CITATION.bib by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/49
* Do not use werkzeug>=3.0.0 by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/50

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1


What's Changed
There's now links to the GitHub on the main UI.
Also added new line, box, and density plots.

* Links to GitHub and some new plots by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/43
* increase tolerance for slow github action by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/44
* Avoid errors when changing data by checking variables by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/45
* Test lazyload by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/47

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/compare/v0.3.1...v0.4.0


What's Changed

* Fix missing submodules in some builds and make the `xiplot` command use the proper cli by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/41

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.1


What's Changed

Various improvements to the looks of plots, and how χiplot handles data internally.
The WASM version is now easier to deploy, and supports plugins (including a new UI).

* Improve smiles by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/20
* Terminal usage by TanakaAkihiro in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/22
* Plot tooltips by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/24
* Debug: download embedding columns by TanakaAkihiro in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/23
* Plotly templates by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/25
* Add feature checks for wasm and add platform-dependent dependencies by juntyr in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/28
* remove the dependency on dash-daq by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/29
* Fix author name in LICENSE-MIT by juntyr in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/31
* Remove flask dependency from pyproject.toml by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/32
* Kmeans warnings by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/33
* Add style checks and the minimal plugins UI by juntyr in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/35
* Images by TanakaAkihiro in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/36
* Fixed: titles of x and y axes of scatterplot when jittered. by TanakaAkihiro in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/37
* Auxiliary dataframe by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/38
* Improve readme by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/39
* Create a plugin for additional filetypes (such as parquet) by Aggrathon in https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/pull/40

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/edahelsinki/xiplot/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0


The first release of χiplot.

Enjoy exploring your datasets!



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