
Latest version: v0.2.1

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**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1


**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0


Initial Release

Please note that currently xl2times implements only partial support for TIMES models defined using Veda. The support will be extended in future releases.


A pre-release to test.pypi.org to test the automatic publish action.

What's Changed
* Add mappings and script to run demo models by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/6
* Add dummy processes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/5
* Remove solution and project file by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/7
* Add demos to CI by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/12
* Fix IRE processes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/8
* Merge actions by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/15
* Update demos DD file path by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/19
* Address pandas warnings by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/20
* Fix parsing of sets in .dd files by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/17
* CI: check for regressions against main branch by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/16
* CI: set threshold for runtime regression to 2x by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/22
* Enhance processing of primary commodity groups by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/21
* run_benchmarks.py: add CLI flag to run a single benchmark by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/25
* Process TOP_IRE by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/23
* Use active commodity name for COST attribute by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/26
* Produce UNITS tables by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/28
* Implement BOH/EOH years by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/29
* Enhance timeslice processing by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/30
* Fix reading of duplicates in sets by samwebster in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/31
* Handle ANNUAL specified as the only timeslice in SEASON by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/32
* CI: flag to skip regenerating csv by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/34
* Reduce repetitive calculations in extract_commodity_groups by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/40
* Also print summary of additional rows by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/44
* CI: Regression check on num correct and additional rows by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/46
* Include missing tags in datatypes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/49
* CI: Use Demo models from private repository by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/48
* Reduce code duplication by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/42
* Rename attribute aliases; only use times attributes in mapping by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/53
* CI: fix bug not printing benchmarks that regressed by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/54
* Update TODOs by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/36
* Remove process_currencies by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/61
* CI: some improvements in printing and folder structure by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/62
* Filter out None values before producing output tables by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/63
* Reduce the number of TODOs in times_mapping.txt by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/58
* Remove duplicate functions by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/56
* Make the tool deterministic on the Ireland benchmark by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/67
* Include source filename in the dataframes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/65
* Drop row if None is found in any column by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/66
* CI: (re)print summary in a separate step by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/70
* Improve processing of flo_emis and its aliases by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/68
* Allow specifying a list of input XL files to process by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/71
* Use a YAML file to specify the input XL files for each benchmark by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/72
* Fix processing of AllRegions in `process_transform_insert` by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/73
* Apply rules for processing stock by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/64
* Use BookRegions_Map for default regions in VT files by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/77
* Convert CG short name to full name by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/75
* Fix NCAP_DISC mapping; clean up debug prints by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/78
* Add type checking to CI via pyright by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/79
* Improve mappings by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/69
* Generalize attribute mappings to row filters by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/88
* Include mapping for COM_PEAK and other attributes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/89
* Don't create _additional or _missing files if empty by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/91
* Add a --skip_main option to run_benchmarks.py to reuse prior run by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/90
* Also include additional tables in additional rows computation by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/87
* Read ins-txt tables and default ELE processes to DayNite by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/92
* Add --dd option to output DD files by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/95
* Lowercase column headers by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/99
* Correct mapping for FLO_FUNC and FLO_FUNCX by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/101
* Add export order for TIMES entities by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/102
* Remove redundant code by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/104
* Add --only_read flag to only dump raw_tables.txt by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/103
* Add pyright to pre-commit, update readme by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/106
* CI: also run GAMS on main and show in summary by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/108
* Package the tool for distribution and installation by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/110
* Re-enable regression testing following 110 by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/112
* Thread a Config class through all transforms by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/114
* Add information on Veda tags (incl. valid fields and their aliases) by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/39
* CI: install tool editable to fix regression testing by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/117
* Fix some mappings by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/115
* Add obsidian and spyder files to gitignore by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/116
* Include all declared commodities in commodity groups and always have UC description by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/118
* Generate MILESTONYR and modify gams scaffold to include it by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/119
* Handle some of breaking none cases by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/123
* Address Pandas depreciation warnings by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/125
* Help ensure the original repo is no longer ahead by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/128
* Ensure original repo is no longer ahead by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/127
* Reduce TFM_INS-AT and TFM_INS-TS to TFM_INS by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/122
* Optimize transforms on dicts by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/131
* Run benchmarks in parallel by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/130
* More robust DD parsing; add some mappings by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/132
* Specify xlsx files to read for the IE benchmark by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/134
* Add aux flows to topology by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/129
* Normalize column names based on veda-tags.json by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/135
* Add --verbose mode that outputs intermediate tables by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/137
* Expand times_info by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/136
* Use uc_sets when processing uc_t tables by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/141
* Rename normalize_tags_columns_attr and update description by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/139
* Optimise imports in utils; address code warnings by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/142
* Expand config with veda defaults for attributes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/143
* Update comments removal transforms by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/140
* Normalizing columns: add some checks by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/138
* Check for dupes and drop empties in new validate transform by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/145
* Account for aliases when processing AT tables by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/144
* Don't drop duplicates in fi_process table when generating topology by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/146
* Simplify normalisation by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/147
* Prepare to distribute the tool on PyPI by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/149
* Remove old file from pyrightconfig.json by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/151
* Update project URLs by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/152
* Use times-info file for parameter mappings by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/148
* CI: use epsilon 10^-6 for gdxdiff comparison by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/156
* Use known columns from veda-tags.json by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/157
* Keep going if no R_* tags are present by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/158
* Re-enable GAMS in CI by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/159
* Introduce regions filtering by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/161
* Introduce TimesModel class and use it to store info about regions by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/163
* Update version of TIM used for benchmark by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/164
* Handle TFM_INS-txt tables properly by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/160
* Expand the usage of TimesModel class by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/165
* Address pandas future depreciation warnings by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/168
* Ensure the tool can run on TUSM by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/170
* Refactor process_wildcards and add support for TFM_MIG by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/166
* Remove rows with duplicate query cols and cleanup handling of TFM variants by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/173
* Setup Sphinx and ReadTheDocs by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/176
* Try to fix ReadTheDocs build errors by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/178
* Create trade links by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/167
* Misc improvements by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/180
* Improve processing of user constraints by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/179
* Feature/benchmarks on windows by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/184
* Feature/transforms speedup by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/186
* Use veda-tags.json for query columns by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/188
* Support external regions by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/181
* Add logging with loguru by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/190
* Support user-defined commodity groups by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/191
* Speedup `process_uc_wildcards` by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/193
* CI: fix bug in parsing additional lines by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/195
* CI: bring back subprocess to fix regression tests by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/197
* Ensure GAMS can run all the benchmarks by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/183
* Cache extracted EmbeddedXlTables based on xlsx file hashes by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/196
* Drop tables / rows without required columns by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/200
* Improve handling of empty tables by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/201
* Allow processing of duplicated attribute data columns by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/203
* Use groupby to speed up user constraints by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/205
* Update Demos version used in benchmarks by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/204
* Use utf-8 when printing dd files by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/207
* Allow processing of the dins table and its variants by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/208
* Use a single transform to process all wildcards by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/211
* Fill other_indexes in more a general way by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/155
* Update project info and remove redundant info by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/202
* Add the ruff linter to the pre-commit check by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/214
* faster apply transform tables 2 by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/215
* Introduce EmbeddedXlTable.defaults to store composite tag info by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/216
* Remove white spaces from a list of wildcard patterns by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/219
* Convert all docstrings to numpydoc style and add linter check by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/221
* Change import of datatypes classes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/224
* Add support for the UC_ATTR attribute by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/223
* Improve processing of UC sets by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/228
* Handle topology-only FI_T, and region and allregions in a TFM table by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/227
* Filter input files according to Veda by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/231
* dd_to_csv bugfixes, move cache to `~/.cache/xl2times/` by SamRWest in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/230
* Add AUTHORS.md by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/229
* Remove unused code, add Discussions URL and other minor changes by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/233
* Process ANSWER-style defaults in apply_composite_tag by olejandro in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/234
* Add release instructions and CD automation by siddharth-krishna in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/235

New Contributors
* olejandro made their first contribution in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/5
* samwebster made their first contribution in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/7
* SamRWest made their first contribution in https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/pull/184

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/etsap-TIMES/xl2times/commits/v0.1.0-alpha



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