====================== * XML declaration processing option *xmlns_processing* for converters * Decode/validate from XML document with dynamic schema load * XMLResource enhancement for a better XML resources processing * Improve lazy resources iteration removing preceding elements (*thin_mode* option) * Drop support for Python 3.7
====================== * Fix slowness of key selectors introduced by v2.5.0 (issue 378) * Remove redundant wheel dep from pyproject.toml and unnecessary build deps from tox.ini (PR 368)
====================== * Fix identity keys tracking with additional full XPath checks on XML data * Rewrite schema exports using relative paths
====================== * Improve schema export using XSD source encoding * Add XML signature and encryption to local fallback schemas (issue 357)
====================== * Meta-schema elements and groups ignore xsi:type attributes (issue 350) * Use the meta-schemas only for validating XSD sources otherwise create dummy schemas
====================== * Improve sequence/all restriction checks for XSD 1.1 * Add *schema* argument to `Wsdl11Document`