- Safer long-polling default for the SQS poll utility.
- `versioned_diffed_update_item` more fully supports the use of the `nicename` keyword argument, providing more specific Exceptions in the case of the item not existing before the update. - Improved typing for various query helpers in `xoto3.dynamodb.query`.
- FailedRecordExceptions now contain the entire exception for each failed record. This is a very minor feature. - Removed some unnecessarily verbose logging to put library users back in control.
- `map_tree` now supports postorder transformations via keyword argument.
- Improved DynamoDB Item-related Exceptions for `GetItem`, `put_but_raise_if_exists`, and `versioned_diffed_update_item`.
- Allow any characters for attribute names in `add_variables_to_expression`. - We have a lot of snake_cased attribute names. We should be able to use this function with those.