**Changes:** - Tolerances for one-turn matrix validity checks can be modified at runtime - Other small fixes
**New feature:** - Match particle distribution at an arbitrary location in the ring.
**Fix:** - Fix problem with xpart.Particles.to_dict when PyHEADTAIL interface is enabled
**Changes:** - Disabled automatic symplectification of one-turn matrix (found to degrade accuracy on vertical dispersion). - Changed algorithm for LocalParticle_add_to_energy. - Moved linear_normal_form module from xpart to xtrack (aliases still present in xpart for now). - Introduced check on keyword arguments of Particles constructor (an exception is raised if invalid names, e.g. typos, are present). - Removed double underscore from random number generator state variables.
**New feature:** - Use linear matching when bunch is much shorter than RF period
**New feature:** - Introduced flags remove_underscored, remove_unused_space, remove_redundant_variables, keep_rng_state, keep_rng_state, compact in Particles.to_dict and Particles.to_pandas