**New & improved features**
- TwissPlot
- Add option to plot apertures onto twiss plot
- Add support for beam envelope, beam size and other data from `twiss.get_beam_covariance`
- FloorPlot
- Add support for vertical bends and ZY projection
- Use [new information from additional columns in survey table](https://github.com/xsuite/xtrack/releases/tag/v0.73.2), passing the line object is no longer needed for most cases
- Improve element colouring in `FloorPlot`, handle more element types and also skew components, multipoles are now coloured by _lowest_ non-zero order (only if passing line object explicitly)
- Keep default boxes when customizing `FloorPlot` (use `default_boxes=False` to restore the previous behaviour)
- Show zero length elements as narrow line only
- Improve handling of survey data
- Consider also skew components for element order and add unit test
- Add utility for discontinuous axis scales, see [user guide](https://xsuite.github.io/xplt/latest/examples/utilities.html#discontinuous-axes)
**API changes**
- Make dataset ID optional (if omitted, a UUID will be generated)
**Bug fixes**
- Fix of FloorPlot wedges being offset 49
- Fix in FloorPlot bend recognition to support Views 49
- Avoid timeseries data to be interpreted as particle counts when plotting particle rate 67
- From this release on, [pint](https://pypi.org/project/Pint/) is an optional (but still highly recommended) dependency. Without pint, all unit-conversion features are disabled! For new installations, it is recommended to use `pip install xplt[full]`.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/xsuite/xplt/compare/v0.10.5...v0.11.6