* NVENC support for YUV444 mode, support for automatic bitrate tuning
* NVENC and CUDA load balancing for multiple cards
* proxy encoding: ability to encode on proxy server
* fix fullscreen on multiple monitors via fakeXinerama
* OpenGL rendering improvements (for transparent windows, etc)
* support window grabs (drop down menus, etc)
* support specifying the SSH port number more easily
* enabled TCP_NODELAY socket option by default (lower latency)
* add ability to easily select video encoders and csc modules
* add local unix domain socket support to proxy server instances
* add "xpra control" commands to control encoding speed and quality
* improved handling of window resizing
* improved compatibility with command line tools (xdotool, wmctrl)
* ensure windows on other workspaces do not waste bandwidth
* ensure iconified windows do not waste bandwidth
* ensure maximized and fullscreen windows are prioritised
* ensure we reset xsettings when client disconnects
* better bandwidth utilization of jittery connections
* faster network code (larger receive buffers)
* better automatic encoding selection for smaller regions
* improved command line options (add ability to enable options which are disabled in the config file)
* trimmed all the ugly PyOpenGL warnings on startup
* much improved logging and debugging tools
* make it easier to distinguish xpra windows from local windows (border command line option)
* improved build system: smaller and more correct build output (much smaller OSX images)
* improved MS Windows command wrappers
* improved MS Windows (un)installer checks
* automatically stop remote shadow servers when client disconnects
* MS Windows and OSX build updates: updated Pillow, lz4, etc