This is the first version which uses datatree directly from xarray. Thus, xarray is pinned to version >= 2024.10.0.
* FIX: Convert volumes to_cfradial1 containing sweeps with different range and azimuth shapes, raise for different range bin sizes ({issue}`233`) by [syedhamidali](, ({pull}`234`) by [kmuehlbauer](
* FIX: Correctly handle 8bit/16bit, big-endian/little-endian in nexrad reader (PHI and ZDR) ({issue}`230`) by [syedhamidali](, ({pull}`231`) by [kmuehlbauer](
* ENH: Refactoring all xradar backends to use `from_dict` datatree constructor. Test for `_get_required_root`, `_get_subgroup`, and `_get_radar_calibration` were also added ({pull}`221`) by [aladinor](
* ENH: Added pytests to the missing functions in the `test_xradar` and `test_iris` in order to increase codecov in ({pull}`228`) by [syedhamidali](
* ENH: Updated Readme ({pull}`226`) by [syedhamidali](
* ADD: Added new module `transform` for transforming CF1 data to CF2 and vice versa ({pull}`224`) by [syedhamidali](
* Use DataTree from xarray and add xarray nightly run ({pull}`213`, {pull}`214`, {pull}`215`, {pull}`218`) by [kmuehlbauer](
* ADD: Added new accessor `map_over_sweeps` for volume operations on DataTrees and a matching decorator ({pull}`203`) by [syedhamidali](