[Release message](https://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/pipermail/ifeffit/2021-July/010251.html)
- XAS viewer
- fixed various bugs in Spec/BLISS files importer -- silx version 0.15.2 is now required.
- "GetLarch.sh" and "GetLarch.bat" scripts now use "miniforge", should provide faster downloads and installs.
- fixed (hopefully) random Text controls events on startup on Windows.
- several small improvement feffpath and feffit functions for better managing Path Parameters with lmfit
- XAS viewer
- Add GUI Browser for CIF Files from American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
- Code for converting CIF files to feff6/8 input files, GUI form to run Feff, organize results in users .larch/feff folder
- Feff Path Browser for import Feff.dat files from .larch/feff
- Feffit Tab added to XAS Viewer for (1 data set) Feff Fitting, with history of fits, saving of fit script.
- EXAFS Panel can show chi(q) data.