* simple unit cell visualization function: Crystal.show_unitcell()
* add new 'radius' and 'color' properties to Elements
* improve testing of various unit cell settings in CIFFile
* fix bug in handling negative data in kill_spike, thanks to reihel for
* Panalytical XRDML: parse hkl from file if present
* CIF exporter and possibility to parse CIF files from string representations
* new reflectivity code based on transfer matrices (contributed by Numan
Laanait, nlaanaitgmail.com)
* unittest and code quality updates
* show_reciprocal_space_plane function to plot a cut in reciprocal space
together with the peak positionn of a given material
* new FourC experiment class, equivalent to HXRD, but using a four circle
goniometer for consistent Q2Ang and Ang2Q functions
* add spline coefficients to PowderModel fits
* allow single Layer object as argument in LayerModel
* rewrite of line cut functions, shorter code, faster execution, more
* avoid loops in Experiment.Q2Ang functions
* clean README and add new CONTRIBUTIONS instructions