- The definition of detector modules was changed from mm to px to be more accurate and consistent.
- Consequently, custom detectors added to the detector_db file are no longer available.
- A new detector editor was added (_Settings_ > _Detector db editor_) to make the addition of custom detectors more feasible.
- Define and add whatever detector you collect your data with, now more easily.
- If something goes wrong use _Settings_ > _Reset detector db_.
- There is a backup of your _custom_ detector_db (detector_db.json.bak) in the xrdPlanner folder (_Help_ > _xrdPlanner_).
- A new parameter was added to allow for detector screen padding (geo.plot_padding), default is 0.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/LennardKrause/xrdPlanner/compare/xrdPlanner-1.8.2...xrdPlanner-2.0.0