
Latest version: v2.2.1.1

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This major update introduces many changes, most importantly:
* Support for neural sequence labeling in entity classification - note that the knowledge base still constrains possible entity types for known lemmas, but a sequence tagger can now disambiguate options and classify pronouns
* Support for XGBoost as a coref classifier
* Update English model to use Universal Dependencies as input
* New configuration parameters in model config.ini
* Upgraded DepEdit with new parse post-editing rule possibilities
* Various bug fixes

Minor adjustment to conll_sent output format (can now include entities)

Bugfix release and minor additions
* Fix incorrect module import in Python 3 when not running standalone (82)
* Fix incorrect document name setting to 'untitled' when not running standalone (83)
* Incorrect ordering of coreference chain in certain cataphora cases fixed
* options.tab now optional
* Added remove_infixes and non_extend_pos settings for interfixed core_text expansions (e.g. for Semitic construct state articles)
* Better Python 2/3 compatibility

Major new feature release:
* Python 3 compatibility
* Adds support for pluggable machine learning classifiers
* Multithreading - concurrent batch processing of multiple documents
* New model files:
* Added similar.tab to models for semantic similarity to OOV items
* Added nominalizations.tab for irregular verb nominalizations used in verbal antecedent matching
* Made all model files optional except `config.ini` and `coref_rules.tab`
* Support conllu input with multitoken units and virtual tokens from enhanced trees
* Added option to use sentence type (s_type) annotations (e.g. declarative, question, imperative)
* Added negated head and negated parent features (used e.g. to decrease coref likelihood for `didn't see [a dog]`)
* New DepEdit version with new operators
* New `utils/` folder with tools to create model files and classifiers
* Added a starter model `udx` as a building block for new models based on UD data

Major new feature release:
* Python 3 compatibility
* Adds support for pluggable machine learning classifiers
* Multithreading - concurrent batch processing of multiple documents
* New model files:
* Added similar.tab to models for semantic similarity to OOV items
* Added nominalizations.tab for irregular verb nominalizations used in verbal antecedent matching
* Made all model files optional except `config.ini` and `coref_rules.tab`
* Support conllu input with multitoken units and virtual tokens from enhanced trees
* Added option to use sentence type (s_type) annotations (e.g. declarative, question, imperative)
* Added negated head and negated parent features (used e.g. to decrease coref likelihood for `didn't see [a dog]`)
* New DepEdit version with new operators
* New `utils/` folder with tools to create model files and classifiers
* Added a starter model `udx` as a building block for new models based on UD data

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