- Initial release! Please open up an issue in our repo if you have any
feedback or issues to report.
API Changelog
This changelog is intended to list all updates to the [public API methods](
For info about how [API versioning]( works, including examples, please view the [XLS-22d spec]( For details about the implementation of API versioning, view the [implementation PR]( API versioning ensures existing integrations and users continue to receive existing behavior, while those that request a higher API version will experience new behavior.
The API version controls the API behavior you see. This includes what properties you see in responses, what parameters you're permitted to send in requests, and so on. You specify the API version in each of your requests. When a breaking change is introduced to the `rippled` API, a new version is released. To avoid breaking your code, you should set (or increase) your version when you're ready to upgrade.
For a log of breaking changes, see the **API Version [number]** headings. In general, breaking changes are associated with a particular API Version number. For non-breaking changes, scroll to the **XRP Ledger version [x.y.z]** headings. Non-breaking changes are associated with a particular XRP Ledger (`rippled`) release.
API Version 2
API version 2 is available in `rippled` version 2.0.0 and later. To use this API, clients specify `"api_version" : 2` in each request.
Removed methods
In API version 2, the following deprecated methods are no longer available: (
- `tx_history` - Instead, use other methods such as `account_tx` or `ledger` with the `transactions` field set to `true`.
- `ledger_header` - Instead, use the `ledger` method.
Modifications to JSON transaction element in V2
In API version 2, JSON elements for transaction output have been changed and made consistent for all methods which output transactions. (
This helps to unify the JSON serialization format of transactions. (,
- JSON transaction element is named `tx_json`
- Binary transaction element is named `tx_blob`
- JSON transaction metadata element is named `meta`
- Binary transaction metadata element is named `meta_blob`
Additionally, these elements are now consistently available next to `tx_json` (i.e. sibling elements), where possible:
- `hash` - Transaction ID. This data was stored inside transaction output in API version 1, but in API version 2 is a sibling element.
- `ledger_index` - Ledger index (only set on validated ledgers)
- `ledger_hash` - Ledger hash (only set on closed or validated ledgers)
- `close_time_iso` - Ledger close time expressed in ISO 8601 time format (only set on validated ledgers)
- `validated` - Bool element set to `true` if the transaction is in a validated ledger, otherwise `false`
This change affects the following methods:
- `tx` - Transaction data moved into element `tx_json` (was inline inside `result`) or, if binary output was requested, moved from `tx` to `tx_blob`. Renamed binary transaction metadata element (if it was requested) from `meta` to `meta_blob`. Changed location of `hash` and added new elements
- `account_tx` - Renamed transaction element from `tx` to `tx_json`. Renamed binary transaction metadata element (if it was requested) from `meta` to `meta_blob`. Changed location of `hash` and added new elements
- `transaction_entry` - Renamed transaction metadata element from `metadata` to `meta`. Changed location of `hash` and added new elements
- `subscribe` - Renamed transaction element from `transaction` to `tx_json`. Changed location of `hash` and added new elements
- `sign`, `sign_for`, `submit` and `submit_multisigned` - Changed location of `hash` element.
Modification to `Payment` transaction JSON schema
When reading Payments, the `Amount` field should generally **not** be used. Instead, use [delivered_amount]( to see the amount that the Payment delivered. To clarify its meaning, the `Amount` field is being renamed to `DeliverMax`. (
- In `Payment` transaction type, JSON RPC field `Amount` is renamed to `DeliverMax`. To enable smooth client transition, `Amount` is still handled, as described below: (
- On JSON RPC input (e.g. `submit_multisigned` etc. methods), `Amount` is recognized as an alias to `DeliverMax` for both API version 1 and version 2 clients.
- On JSON RPC input, submitting both `Amount` and `DeliverMax` fields is allowed _only_ if they are identical; otherwise such input is rejected with `rpcINVALID_PARAMS` error.
- On JSON RPC output (e.g. `subscribe`, `account_tx` etc. methods), `DeliverMax` is present in both API version 1 and version 2.
- On JSON RPC output, `Amount` is only present in API version 1 and _not_ in version 2.
Modifications to account_info response
- `signer_lists` is returned in the root of the response. (In API version 1, it was nested under `account_data`.) (
- When using an invalid `signer_lists` value, the API now returns an "invalidParams" error. (
- (`signer_lists` must be a boolean. In API version 1, strings were accepted and may return a normal response - i.e. as if `signer_lists` were `true`.)
Modifications to [account_tx]( response
- Using `ledger_index_min`, `ledger_index_max`, and `ledger_index` returns `invalidParams` because if you use `ledger_index_min` or `ledger_index_max`, then it does not make sense to also specify `ledger_index`. In API version 1, no error was returned. (
- The same applies for `ledger_index_min`, `ledger_index_max`, and `ledger_hash`. (
- Using a `ledger_index_min` or `ledger_index_max` beyond the range of ledgers that the server has:
- returns `lgrIdxMalformed` in API version 2. Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned. (
- Attempting to use a non-boolean value (such as a string) for the `binary` or `forward` parameters returns `invalidParams` (`rpcINVALID_PARAMS`). Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned. (
Modifications to [noripple_check]( response
- Attempting to use a non-boolean value (such as a string) for the `transactions` parameter returns `invalidParams` (`rpcINVALID_PARAMS`). Previously, in API version 1, no error was returned. (
API Version 1
This version is supported by all `rippled` versions. For WebSocket and HTTP JSON-RPC requests, it is currently the default API version used when no `api_version` is specified.
The [commandline]( always uses the latest API version. The command line is intended for ad-hoc usage by humans, not programs or automated scripts. The command line is not meant for use in production code.
Inconsistency: server_info - network_id
The `network_id` field was added in the `server_info` response in version 1.5.0 (2019), but it is not returned in [reporting mode]( However, use of reporting mode is now discouraged, in favor of using [Clio]( instead.