- ``mad`` no longer works and is replaced by ``median_absolute_error``. `Riley X. Brady`_
Bug Fixes
- ``skipna`` for ``pearson_r`` and ``spearman_r`` and their p-values now reports
accurate results when there are pairwise nans (i.e., nans that occur in different
indices in ``a`` and ``b``) `Riley X. Brady`_
- Test that results from grid cells in a gridded product match the same value if their time
series were input directly into functions. `Riley X. Brady`_
- Test that metric results from ``xskillscore`` are the same value as an external package
(e.g. ``numpy``, ``scipy``, ``sklearn``). `Riley X. Brady`_
- Test that ``skipna=True`` works properly with pairwise nans. `Riley X. Brady`_
.. _`Aaron Spring`: https://github.com/aaronspring
.. _`Andrew Huang`: https://github.com/ahuang11
.. _`Dougie Squire`: https://github.com/dougiesquire
.. _`mcsitter`: https://github.com/mcsitter
.. _`Riley X. Brady`: https://github.com/bradyrx
.. _`Ray Bell`: https://github.com/raybellwaves
.. _`Taher Chegini`: https://github.com/cheginit
.. _`Zachary Blackwood`: https://github.com/blackary