- Added :func:`xugrid.burn_vector_geometries` to burn vector geometries in the
form of geopandas GeoDataFrames into a Ugrid2d topology.
- Added :func:`xugrid.polygonize` to create vector polygons for all connected
regions of a Ugrid2d topology sharing a common value. The result is a
geopandas GeoDataFrame.
- :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.validate_edge_node_connectivity` has been added to
validate edge_node_connectivity by comparing with the face_node_connectivity.
The result can be used to define a valid subselection.
- :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.from_structured_bounds` can be used to generate
a Ugrid2d topology from x and y bounds arrays.
- :attr:`xugrid.UgridDatasetAccessor.name`,
:attr:`xugrid.UgridDatasetAccessor.topology`; and
:attr:`xugrid.UgridDataArrayAccessor.topology` have been added to provide
easier access to the names of the UGRID topologies.
- :meth:`xugrid.UgridDatasetAccessor.rename` and
:meth:`xugrid.UgridDataArrayAccessor.rename` to rename both topology and the
associated dimensions.
- :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.bounding_polygon` has been added to get a polygon
describing the bounds of the grid.
- :class:`xugrid.CentroidLocatorRegridder`, :class:`xugrid.OverlapRegridder`,
and :class:`xugrid.BarycentricInterpolator` will now also regrid structured
to unstructured grid topologies.
- :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid1d.to_dataset` and :meth:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.to_dataset` no
longer write unused connectivity variables into the attributes of the UGRID
dummy variable.
- Conversion from and to GeoDataFrame will now conserve the CRS (coordinate
reference system).
- :meth:`xugrid.UgridDatasetAccessor.to_geodataframe` will no longer error when
converting a UgridDataset that does not contain any variables.
- :meth:`xugrid.OverlapRegridder.regrid` will no longer give incorrect results
on repeated calls with the "mode" method.
- Initializing a Ugrid2d topology with an invalid edge_node_connectivity will
no longer raise an error.
- :attr:`xugrid.Ugrid1d.node_node_connectivity`,
:attr:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.directed_node_node_connectivity`, and
:attr:`xugrid.Ugrid2d.face_face_connectivity` now contain the associated edge
index in the ``.data`` attribute of the resulting CSR matrix.