
Latest version: v0.1.0

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This repository contains the package that was previously hosted at https://gitlab.cern.ch/IRIS/pywit

**Changes with respect to original repository:**
- Main package renamed from PyWIT to Xwakes.
- Package published in PyPI (https://pypi.org/project/xwakes/)
- Content originally under `pywit` moved to `xwakes.wit`.
- `pywit` is kept as alias of `xwakes.wit` for backward compatibility.
- Add `xwakes/wit/materials.json` to MANIFEST, so that the file is copied when installing with pip.
- Create new `setup.py` identical to other Xsuite ones.
- Dependencies and test dependences checked
- `pywit` folder in the user's home is not created on installation but can be optionally created by running `python -c 'import xwakes; xwakes.initialize_pywit_directory()`. This is required only for using the IW2D interface. (README file updated accordingly).
- Add `release.sh` script to make releases in PyPI.
- Add Apache 2 license file (no change in conditions compared to license file in PyWIT, just a bit more explicit).
- Existing CI workflow made compatible with GitHub and is now triggered automatically when a PR is created. This has been tested (tests are passing).
- Tests involving IW2D are skipped by pytest when IW2D is not installed.
- Only minor modifications to the code itself, namely:
- Removed dependency on sortednp. See [commit](https://github.com/xsuite/xwakes/commit/779daebcd3026f5e9f73da8350a72e8ba05f6e31).
- Handled a numpy array access warning. See [commit](https://github.com/xsuite/xwakes/commit/9fb2fedb0f37236c43b39ddddb9e745b908093ae).
- Make matplotlib optional. See [commit](52cbdda49cad0f9bf36a83c60659e88ca5872e1a).
- Replace `numpy.trapz` (deprecated in numpy 2.0) with `numpy.trapezoid`.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/xsuite/xwakes/compare/v0.0.3...v0.1.0



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