
Latest version: v3.0.0

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* Fixbug: connection is disconnected before idel check, valueError will be raised if a connection(not exist) is removed from connection list
* Fixbug: abstract compat.py to handle import problem of asyncio.future
* Fixbug: When cancelling a task, CancelledError exception is not propagated to client
* Fixbug: XREAD command should accept 0 as a block argument
* Fixbug: In redis cluster mode, XREAD command does not function properly
* Fixbug: slave connection params when there are no slaves

<a name="1.1.7"></a>


* Fixbug: ModuleNotFoundError raised when install aredis 1.1.6 with Python3.6

<a name="1.1.6"></a>


* Fixbug: parsing stream messgae with empty payload will cause error(116)
* Fixbug: Let ClusterConnectionPool handle skip_full_coverage_check (118)
* New: threading local issue in coroutine, use contextvars instead of threading local in case of the safety of thread local mechanism being broken by coroutine (120)
* New: support Python 3.8

<a name="1.1.5"></a>


* new: Dev conn pool max idle time (111) release connection if max-idle-time exceeded
* update: discard travis-CI
* Fix bug: new stream id used for test_streams

<a name="1.1.4"></a>


* fix bug: fix cluster port parsing for redis 4+(node info)
* fix bug: wrong parse method of scan_iter in cluster mode
* fix bug: When using "zrange" with "desc=True" parameter, it returns a coroutine without "await"
* fix bug: do not use stream_timeout in the PubSubWorkerThread
* opt: add socket_keepalive options
* new: add ssl param in get_redis_link to support ssl mode
* new: add ssl_context to StrictRedis constructor and make it higher priority than ssl parameter

<a name="1.1.3"></a>


* allow use of zadd options for zadd in sorted sets
* fix bug: use inspect.isawaitable instead of typing.Awaitable to judge if an object is awaitable
* fix bug: implicitly disconnection on cancelled error (84)
* new: add support for `streams`(including commands not officially released, see `streams <http://aredis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/streams.html>`_ )

<a name="1.1.2"></a>

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