&8212; Added convenience methods to :code:`...Object` objects (e.g. see :code:`ResourceObject` in docs)
&8212; Added type hints
&8212; Improved error checking and response validation
&8212; Added `InvalidResponseError`, `PayloadTooLargeError`, `UploadTrafficLimitExceededError`
&8212; Added a few missing fields to `DiskInfoObject` and `SystemFoldersObject`
&8212; Added `rename()`, `upload_by_link()` and `download_by_link()` methods
&8212; Added `default_args` field for `YaDisk` object
&8212; `download()` and :code:`upload()` now return `ResourceLinkObject`
&8212; Returned `LinkObject` instances have been replaced by more specific subclasses
&8212; `ConnectionError` now also triggers a retry
&8212; Added support for async files for `download()` and `upload()`
&8212; Use `aiofiles` to open files by default