
Latest version: v6.0.6

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This update introduces 3 main features :
- typing now supports the following keywords, which can be used and composed like their equivalents in the typing module : Union, List, Dict, Optional, Any
- processing now supports a new feature : ORDERING. All functions have order 0 by default. By setting the order of a function, one defines in which order it is applied to the parameter. Functions are applied in ascending order. Most hooks and basic processing functions were assigned an order. Order can be assigned using the decorator yaecs.assign_order(order). Orders can be ints or floats, or taken from the Enum yaecs.Priority, which contains some named placeholders (ALWAYS_FIRST (-20), OFTEN_FIRST (-10), INDIFFERENT (0), SITUATIONAL (0), OFTEN_LAST (10), ALWAYS_LAST (20))
- some processing functions can now be assigned using a yaml tag rather than the processing dictionaries. Tags were associated to most hooks and basic processing functions


Configurations now come with packaged common processing functions :
- check_param_in_list(list_of_choices) returns a pre-processing function that checks if the value is in the list
- copy_param is a pre-processing function that tags the param as a copy of another param. The path to the copied param is the default value of the param.
- number_in_range(minimum, maximum) returns a pre-processing function that checks if the value is in the range
- protected_param is a pre-processing function that tags a param as protected. Protected params can only be set in the default config
- folder_in_experiment(condition_list) returns a post-processing function that changes a path to place it inside the experiment path, then create the corresponding folder to your experiment folder if conditions are met


:sparkles: Intern tracker system compatible with clearml and tensorboard


:art: Improve coding style in all Python files and Markdown


- :bug: Refactor a line in `config.py` to be compatible with Python3.7-3.8 syntax
- :memo: Change the name of the branch in `short-readme.md` for last-commit badge

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