- Introduce ``rounddpi`` flag for image blueprint. Pillow, as of version 6.0, no longer rounds reported DPI values for BMP, JPEG and PNG images, but image manipulation programs may not produce accurate DPI values. [rnix]
- Python 3 compatibility. [rnix]
- Convert doctests to unittests. [rnix]
- Create runtime images directory for example only if examples are really used. [rnix, 2017-08-24]
- Use ``yafowil.utils.entry_point`` decorator. [rnix, 2016-06-28]
- Copy over used functions from ``ImageUtils`` package and drop dependency. [rnix, 2016-06-28]
- Use ``&`` instead of ``&`` for parameter separation in ``image_edit_renderer`` if image URL already contains GET parameters. [rnix, 2015-10-05]
- Add top margin to input. [rnix, 2014-08-06]
- Check for already existing query parameters befor adding nocache param to img src. [rnix, 2014-07-11]