* Added `verbose_output` (bool) switch to return just a list of URLs (`verbose_output=False`) or a list of dictionaries containing the URL, rank, title, and description (`verbose_output=True`). Thanks to KennBro for submitting https://github.com/opsdisk/yagooglesearch/pull/9
* Improved logic to return more search results https://github.com/opsdisk/yagooglesearch/pull/10 * Added info log message if duplicate URL is found
* Added `yagooglesearch_manages_http_429s` option. Determines if yagooglesearch will handle HTTP 429 cool off and retries. Disable if you want to manage HTTP 429 responses. Idea submitted by Cyber-Cowboy in https://github.com/opsdisk/yagooglesearch/issues/7
* If the IP address is sourcing from a European Union country, the cookie has to be modified. Thank you to LeMoussel and kusinhavre for reporting and providing feedback in https://github.com/opsdisk/yagooglesearch/issues/5
* Added `verify_ssl` option * Added logic for some URLs returned from Google that start with `http://www.google.com/url?` instead of `/url?`
Changed language URL parameter from `lr=lang_{self.lang}` to `hl={self.lang}` in the `SearchClient.update_urls()` function.