
Latest version: v1.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Added support for Python 3.x (thanks to hayd)
- Tests
- Integration with Travis CI (thanks to hayd)


- Fix `Share.get_historical()` when only one value is returned (thanks to tarlabs) 7
- Fix `Share.refresh()` raises exception 11


- Fixed print format specs - working with older versions of Python like 2.6


- Fixed small issue with `get_historical()` that would only return the first year


This version is only to fix problem when uploading package to PyPI

Upload failed (400): This filename has previously been used, you should use a different version.


- Ability to download historical data more than one year - (bypassing the Yahoo! limit)
- Change value "N / A" to "None" in the results
- Bugfixes

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