
Latest version: v0.1.6

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.. _yaml4rst v0.1.6: https://github.com/ypid/yaml4rst/compare/v0.1.5...v0.1.6


- Only write output file in ``--in-place`` mode when the input and generated
output actually differ to save write cycles :) [ypid_]


- Fix YAML block detection and make it more robust. Previously, when the
indention of YAML block content changed from one line to the next, it might
not be recognized as YAML block leading to wrong YAML comment inclusion which
became part of the YAML block string. [ypid_]



.. _yaml4rst v0.1.5: https://github.com/ypid/yaml4rst/compare/v0.1.4...v0.1.5


- Fix RST section level detection for folded sections. [ypid_]

- End fold started by an unfolded RST section when a new RST section with the
same section level begins instead of including the following RST section in
the fold. [ypid_]



.. _yaml4rst v0.1.4: https://github.com/ypid/yaml4rst/compare/v0.1.3...v0.1.4


- The default ``yaml.load`` method from PyYAML which is used to validate the input YAML file is unsafe.
As a result ``yaml4rst`` would have executed arbitrary code given in the YAML input file.

Refer to the issue `Make load safe_load <https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/5>`_.
This has been fixed by switching to ``yaml.safe_load``. [ypid_]



.. _yaml4rst v0.1.3: https://github.com/ypid/yaml4rst/compare/v0.1.2...v0.1.3


- Make the FIXME note which yaml4rst adds for missing variable comments more
precise. [ypid_]


- Fix YAML block detection which lead to wrong indention of closing folds. [ypid_]



.. _yaml4rst v0.1.2: https://github.com/ypid/yaml4rst/compare/v0.1.1...v0.1.2


- Python packaging which previously included and installed the unit tests as
separate "tests" Python package.
Now the built distribution release (Wheel) only contains the actual Python package
"yaml4rst" without the unit tests. Checkout the source distribution or the
git repository for hacking on the project.
Thanks very much to ganto_ for reporting and providing a patch! [ypid_]



.. _yaml4rst v0.1.1: https://github.com/ypid/yaml4rst/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1


- Fix legacy reST section detection when heading is directly follows by a comment. [ypid_]

- Fix YAML block detection which lead to wrong indention of closing folds. [ypid_]

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