- Objects (subclasses of `YamlAble` or `YamlObject2`) can now be loaded from both mappings, sequences and scalars. Users may override the default behaviour by overriding `__from_yaml_list__` and `__from_yaml_scalar__`. Codecs (subclasses of `YamlCodec`) can also support this feature, through the `from_yaml_list` and `from_yaml_scalar` methods (not implemented by default). Fixes [12](https://github.com/smarie/python-yamlable/issues/12)
- Now using `mkdocs-gallery` for documentation examples. Fixed [14](https://github.com/smarie/python-yamlable/issues/14)
- `yaml_info` can not be used on subclasses of `YamlObject2` anymore as it could lead to an unexpected behaviour. Fixes [15](https://github.com/smarie/python-yamlable/issues/15)